The MAC-address consists of 12 characters (0-9, A-F) e.g.: 00:1B:F4:A3:D9:84
Router (other manufacturer than TP-Link): On the back of your device.
TP-Link Router: Login to the Webinterface of your Router and
look for the WAN MAC-Address. For TP-Link routers, the MAC address on the back of your
router is the MAC address of the LAN ports and
usually one digit is different from the WAN MAC-Address you need.
Windows: Start -> search for "cmd" -> open "cmd.exe"
-> enter "ipconfig /all" and confirm -> the 12-digit string
(Physical Address) in the sub-item "Ethernet Adapter "(the one with the
most text) is your MAC-address.
Mac OS X: Open over your Finder a Terminal -> enter
"ifconfig" and confirm -> you'll find your MAC-address under "HWaddr"
in the sub-item "en0".
Linux: Open a Terminal (depending on your desktopenvironment
how) -> enter "ifconfig" and confirm -> you'll find your
MAC-address under "HWaddr" in the sub-item "$whatever$0" (mostly "eth0",
"p1p1", whichever represents your the interface used for your ethernet port).